I know I have not posted in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working. Lately I have been revising my book dummy for Moonpowder, and it is coming along nicely thanks to the input from my Editor and Art director. In the meantime, here are some sketches for a bookjacket that I am doing for the Harper Collins imprint, Greenwillow. It is a middle reader book by Sarah L. Thomson, and it was a fun read. I am hoping the sketch is approved, because I think this will be a fun painting. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Oh, and I recently went to Books of Wonder where David Weisner was signing his new picture book, FLOTSAM. He had one of his paintings with him, and I was suprised at how meticulous his watercolors actually were. The book is quite beautiful, and once again he managed to capture my imagination with a wordless picture book.